CRSG takes over management of twin babies christened Benedict and Linda Ayade, delivered by inmate

CRSG takes over management of twin babies christened Benedict and Linda Ayade, delivered by inmate

Government News Source|23 April 2019 
The Cross River State Government has taken responsibility for a set of twins delivered by a female inmate of the Afokang Prison, Calabar, on Thursday. 
The commissioner commenting on this said 'This was following a distress call from the Prison authorities about an inmate with complicated labour and the our team immediately swung into action upon arrival of the pregnant woman.
'The lady was delivered of a set of twins, a boy and a girl, and unfortunately both developed some postpartum morbidity and had to be referred for expert management.' 
His Excellency, Sen. (Prof.) Ben Ayade has taken over management of the babies and already christened them Benedict and Linda Ayade while awaiting full recovery of the mother. This also highlights the magnanimity of His Excellency in ensuring no child goes to bed hungry.'
The prison authority commended the State Government for their swift response in arresting the situation following the critical condition.