Joseph Odok|19 August 2017
I have taken time to analyse issues critically and come to the conclusion that Cross River State political environment is created for failure. This is so because most CRS politicians are calculated giver that will give you a 'morsel of meat' with intent to control your soul and your decision-making process. They are unfortunate who refuse the morsel of meat because the politician will use all ill-gotten wealth, political structure and even government apparatus to declare war on you with intent to crush you to death. My experience is a confirmation, those that have followed me know what I mean.
Where one accepts the morsel, the politician will begin claiming that his small morsel is responsible for a lot going on in your life and exaggerates the effect of his 'small meal'. This will leave you with a sense of deep regret for ever opening the door and allowing him/her in.
Proverbs 23:6-8 (KJV) :
'Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.”
Because the CRS political environment is founded on intimidation, lies, propaganda and greed, one with the natural instinct to survive often bow to the pressure. He gets into a defeatist argument that if you can't beat them you join them. The joining them here means accepting to be a perpetual slave or signing your death warrant.
CRS politicians are interested in power and this they get through acts of manipulation and intimidation. They groom cultists around them. More recently, the have bought some desperate youths that are active on social media.
These army of sycophants form an army of militants media men/women that continually give half-truths to gullible people of Cross River State. These media men/women begin with the facade of activism and may create blogs for their political party but will later settle to reducing their media activities to propaganda for their pay masters or attack dogs for any one that expose the corruption around their pay masters.
Part of the job of the militant sycophants is to continually be online to watch critics of their paymasters. Once they see a person criticising their paymasters, the screenshot the conversation to their political sponsors and fine tune strategies to destroy any one who dares criticizes their boss. These media attack dogs are functional in APC as in PDP.
While these militant sycophants criticize others and go free, you don't dare criticize their masters. Politics in CRS is increasingly becoming a coven for looters who take to intimidate people as a strategy to silence the truth.
These militant beggars in the media function as a cover to those that are the reason for rising unemployment, those whose corruption caused the dilapidation of our roads, those who strangulated our educational system and killed our social security system. In fact those that bastardized our security system by turning our youths into armed robbers, cultist and prostitutes.
The problem of CRS politics is the uprising of sycophants. The solution lies in uniting to expose cultist and militant media beggars. Disarming those who protect greedy politicians will go a long way to sanitize CRS political environment.
We must be united to calling our leaders to accountability. Politicians remain the most fearful people. Because they can't survive a day out of politics, they will change strategy and include the electorate in the next political dispensation if engaged with the truth. Our votes must begin to count and those killing our opportunities must be sent out of politics.
Joseph Odok
Social Change Agent