Peter Bassey|6 March 2017
Terrorism has been described in modern times as a fourth generation warfare and considered a major threat to society. It has remained according to Edwin Madunagu, “the most tactical challenge of our time”. Terrorism has affected continents, super nations and has hindered development in third world countries. Nigerian is not an exception to this menace.
There are different aspect of terrorism, and arguably enough, some citizens of Cross River State are becoming their own terrorist by fighting and criticizing every single government initiative or project, a situation I have described as been unpatriotic, insincere and hypocritical.
I am, by no means condemning government critics, for me, they are significant exceptions to the beauty of democracy. What I am condemning is the ineluctably political in aim and objective of these critics which they have so designed to have far reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target.
To criticize does not necessarily imply “to find fault”, but often takes to mean the simple expression of an object against prejudice, be it positive or negative. Critique is just an exploration of different sides of an issues, fighting is not necessarily involved like in the case of Cross River, where every government conceived project tilted towards bettering the lives of the people must be criticized and petitioned. Criticism in its right sense is an intrinsically social activity, therefore should involve dialogue of some kind directly or indirectly.
It is sane to criticize the government, it only become insane if one criticized everything about government and fail to elicit solution(s) to the issue(s) so criticized. If the later becomes the other of the day, it becomes planting a seed of fear and distrust in the heart of the ordinary citizen, thus causing the follower not to trust the leader.
The Ayade government have remained the most criticized since 1999, even when the government was bearly three month old in office. Such critique are not justifiable. And those doing so are becoming their own aspect of terrorism.
Funny enough, these aspect of our own terrorism has degenerated not only to fighting the government of the day but also fighting ourselves. It is a pity that the situation has two dimensions, with major players as “the literate and the illiterate”. Consequently, why the literate are using their societal placement, positions and wealth to fight the state and their fellow Cross Riverians, the illiterate are using their level of ignorance, local weapons and local charms to fight, destroy and kill their fellow Cross Riverian, as evident in the recent and constant communal conflict in the state.
The both classes as described above are guilty of an act of terrorism. I will conclude this piece by saying that, what we need most urgently in Cross River State, is a coalition of genuinely patriotic formations irrespective of party, religious or ethnic affiliation – literally to save the state and boost development.
Writes from Calabar