Cross River State Future, Embedded in the ‘Signature Projects’ By Inok Solomon

Cross River State Future, Embedded in the 'Signature Projects' By Inok Solomon
Cross River State Monarchs drums support for Governor Ayade 

Apart from our resource potentials as a State, Tourism had been the centre piece of subsequent administrations. Though some say, we lack continuity and focus to our destination and picture a dark future.

Most times when we press the ‘Reset Button’ on our devices, what we encounter is not an environment for Hardware changes but the Software. These software are the basic programs that tells the hardware what to do.

When these settings are made, the future working of such a device is reset to drive the hardware functionalities.

Today, many are yet to understand the depth of the Reset instructions keyed into our state economy through the Signature Projects of Hopes and Deep Visions.

Donald Duke, introduced the Carnival Calabar Software, to attract fun lovers into the state, and open up the Ranch Resort to provide comfort of our hospitality heritage. Not just that, TINAPA came to boost economic activities and create businesses that create passive income.

Today, the glorious songs of Duke are on the lips of every Cross Riverians but the Software are corrupted by the following Virus; lack of citizens participation, corruption, political aggrandisement, poor financial and economic knowledge, boom of the Oil wealth era and lack of economic recession.

We where in Egypt so to say, and now in the wilderness of Recession. Best times for system overhauling and economic opportunities. How then can the Signature Projects be the key to our Economic overhauling and reengineering?

GARMENT FACTORY: It is a known fact that Clothing is one of man’s basic needs apart from Shelter and Food. And Fashion is among the world highest income generating industries. It is a perfect Industry for our tourism potentials as its create an environment for talent and skill development and entrepreneurial spirit.

Fashion Shows are a great attraction to the world fashion designers, ‘beauty is siad to be tourism and tourism is beauty,’ so such occasion will keep our tourism centres fully functional. The Calabar Int’l Conference Centre CICC, will best be a hosting venue. TINAPA market potentials will serve as a meeting point for buyers and sellers.

Apart from sorting for patronage outside the state, every year, we spent Billions of Naira on Carnival customs, and every four years, Billions get out to finance Campaign wears. Yet our population is dominated by jobless youths.

THE DEEP SEAPORT, many Cross Riverians can still recall the economic boom that played in the state when some few rejected Cargo Ship landed EPZ. It was myriad upon myriad of opportunities from the Barrow pushers to the managers, administrators, lawyers, engineers doctors etc. When all these groups of people come in, including the importers and exporters business Tycoons. It can just be describe as, Myriads upon myriads of opportunities for our tourism and resource potentials.

SUPERHIGHWAY, the most oral project in recent times with a clear purpose of recreating oneness of the state in terms of road network. The linking of the entire state with such a road alone is tourism attraction in itself, not to talk about the ease of movement which had for the time past crippled business activities in the state.

Practically, being the evacuation route to the Deep Sea Port, it provides equal opportunities to all part of the state as investors can site facilities in any part of the state to reduce cost when congestion starts in the future. With the boost of economic activities and closeness of these activities to the people of Cross River, our mind sets will be redirected to Cash Flow ventures instead of Civil Service, Federal allocations, Pension Funds, Mutual Funds all to keep the rich richer and the poor, poorer.

Ayade landing in Cross River, will keep Cross River ahead of many other states and continue to change mentality from Political poverty, Political Thuggery, searching for jobs instead of creating jobs, poor bargains for our Talents, Skills and Resources.

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