Cross River State Commences State Measles Immunisation Exercise

Cross River State Commences State Measles Immunisation Exercise
Reliable information garnered from the Office of the Special Adviser – Community & Primary Healthcare, to the Governor of Cross River State indicates strongly that the State’s Measles Immunisation Exercise will commence today Thursday 28 January through 1 February 2016.
Preparations for the successful kick-off  of the exercise have been on top gear. If you follow the health news especially as published by this present news outfit, you will understand that a lot of advocacy and sensitisation visits have been made by the Office of the S.A -Community & Primary Healthcare, to major stakeholders in the state who are perceived to wield considerable influence towards the success of the exercise.
In the past few weeks, the S.A, Dr. (Mrs.) Betta Edu, has paid visits to the Cross River State House of Assembly(CRSHA), Cross River Broadcasting Corporation (CRBC), Local Government Affairs Commission(LGAC), etc to intimate them and seek their support. She has also received courtesy calls from representatives of corporate bodies especially UNICEF, WHO, etc.
Also, you will recall that recently Negroid Haven reported that via the dogged effort of the Special Adviser, Dr. (Mrs.) Betta Edu, her office attracted the donation of a medical kit, Adverse Effects Following Immunisation(AEFI), worth 2 million Naira, from Tulsi Chanrai Foundation and BEZ Pharmacy for 2016 measles Immunization campaigns in Cross River State.
In a media chat, in the early hours of today, with the SA, Dr. (Mrs.) Betta Edu, she intimated our correspondent of the certainty of the exercise commencing tomorrow on a statewide degree, she said that, ‘Yes the deputy Governor and the wife of the governor will flag off the state wide campaigns at Akpabuyo LGA tomorrow’.
We are encouraging the masses, Cross Riverians, inhabitants in the state, parents and guardians, etc to avail their wards, with age ranging from 9 months to 5 years, of the opportunity of being immunised against Measles which is an enemy of humanity being a deadly disease.
This article is from Efio-Ita Nyok, a Blogger & Editor at Negroid Haven. You can contact him @