The Greatest Poverty is to Leave on a “Pay Check.” In the world over, there is no “Pay Check Earner that is richer than the pure water seller on the street. Not one, if there is, let the planners of our time point to one. Why is there corruption in the Political, Educational, Civil and Public service? The answer is just simple, “Poverty of the “Pay Check Earner.”
Governor Ayade paying system have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the “Pay Check Earner is not the driver of the Economy.” He is nothing but a consumer, never a producer, never a creator or an Inventor. He is like a vulture waiting for the catch of a hard working predator. Always taking the crumbs and never the real meal.
The excess required to live a better life, the excess needed to compete in luxury and everyday styles and materialistic bomb blasted world, in the Political, educational, public and civil service, are the major causes of corruption. No true businessman is corrupt in the real sense, because they think creatively and productively to add value and make an extra wealth through ideas.
There is a long term problem that have kept on for centuries. Work into a Banking Hall, you see fresh new faces being hired for less today, to attend to old struggling pensioners, some hardly able to walk. They turn around their Banking Halls with clean cloths and fake smiles that have a true representation of fear.
Fear of being confronted by the same fate and issue as the older person they replaced when they themselves turn 60. This is because they lack the spirit as Robert Kiyosaki puts it, “of becoming competent, confident and comfortable with life and it’s constant changes.”
Our current educational system, however, by requiring people to be memorizers instead of creative thinkers, to become highly specialised before becoming generalised, to be employees rather than entrepreneurs who fully comprehend money and business, is educating people to be inflexible rather than to be able to change with the times.
Failing to keep current with new ideas and new technologies, resisting change in the world around us, is a very risky career path during volatile economic times. The pension plans of all too many government and corporations are empty, pilfered by greedy, over – ambitious leaders.
It is therefore, not the issue of Salaries bing paid on the 1st, 20th, 25th or 30th, prompt as it is said to be. It is the fact that no matter how prompt and consistent salaries are paid, “Pay Check Earners are the major poverty problem in the world.
It has become imperative therefore, that we need to turn our attentions from Governor Ayade’s consistency in paying salaries. And ask why are people still complaining and dreadful of tomorrow? The only answer is not to look at Governor Ayade from a political eye, rather we should direct our attentions to His industrialization ideas and dreams, the superhighway, deep seaport, garment factory, Calapharms, Calabar Rice City and see how our cooperative efforts and prayers can change our divine Providence for good.
Only then can we hold our future sure and live our future as we plan it today. Join the Labour Friendly Governor, to prepare your future security and take our fate in our hands.