Could you beat Justin Wong’s impossible Street Fighter challenge?

Could you beat Justin Wong's impossible Street Fighter challenge?

During one of his IRL ventures to a fighting game tournament, Justin Wong put on his carnie cap and came up with a Street Fighter 6 challenge for any and all tournament attendees to try to take on.

The Evo title record holder put up $40 for anyone who could defeat a level 8 CPU M. Bison with all handicaps maxed out. Many came and many fell, but might there have been one lucky competitor to take down the overpowered dictator? Continue on to see the video and find out.

We have to appreciate exactly what this challenge entails as it’s more than just a standard fight against a very hard AI. Not only does level 8 Bison do plenty of obvious input reading, but maxing out his handicaps actually causes him to passively regenerate meters.

That’s right, leave him alone for too long after doling out some damage and he’ll heal it right back up. We also see the power of near infinite Drive Gauge as the cancels that traditionally cost 3 bars only take level 8 Bison half a bar to perform.

This means that if and when he lands standing hits, he’s able to convert them into insanely long combos that almost always spell the end of the round for contestants (especially those who try with Akuma).

Anyone who has ever been to a carnival and been lured by the apparent ease of all those games can surely identify with this challenge. Most of us feel like we’d stand a shot at taking out a CPU, but this is definitely the rigged carnival equivalent of a Street Fighter match.

See the power of the mighty (maxed out level 8 CPU) M. Bison and whether or not Justin has to fork over his cash in the full video below.
