Consultant at Hallmark Leadership Initiative (HALI)

Hallmark Leadership Initiative (HALI) is a registered non-governmental and non-profit civil society organization based in Maiduguri, Borno State. Committed to mitigating the challenges faced by marginalized and vulnerable populations, HALI operates in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Northeastern Nigeria caused by the Boko Haram insurgency and subsequent food security crisis.Background

To advance gender equality in education, education systems need to be gender responsive by design. As a country’s blueprint for education reform, the Education Sector Plan (ESP) presents a critical opportunity to embed gender equality into the DNA of all aspects of education. Gender-Responsive Education Sector Planning (GRESP) is the vehicle for achieving this by laying out the foundations for system-wide change leading to more gender-equal outcomes in and through education.
Studies show that when GRESP is conducted and effectively implemented girls’ education outcomes will improve such as increased enrolment at senior secondary level and reductions in child marriage.
However, very few state education sector plans are designed with a gender lens. Where plans exist and gender is incorporated, this is often only at the policy formulation stage. Rarely are states incorporating a gender lens in the implementation phase or Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) frameworks. This makes ESP a more ideological exercise rather than a practically measurable one.
For Borno State, this work creates an opportunity to influence the government to develop and implement a gender responsive education sector plan and ensure that gender is mainstreamed in all stages of the ESP, especially at the stage of implementation, budgeting, and development of MEL framework.

Specific Objectives

Review Borno State Education Sector Plan and produce findings analysis and recommendations for gender responsiveness.


A detailed report analyzing the sector plan and producing findings of areas that are gender-responsive. The report will also contain recommendations for areas that are not gender-responsive.

Duration of work:

The duration of the work shall be maximum of 1 month.

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