Concept art for tons of unused swimsuit costumes emerge for Street Fighter 4

Concept art for tons of unused swimsuit costumes emerge for Street Fighter 4

Fighting game DLC content is a hot issue these days, but we’re taking a trip back to a simpler time with some recently surfaced concept art for unused swimsuit and summer alternate costumes for the cast of Street Fighter 4.

Concept art for these looks are from volume three of Udon’s “Art of Capcom” and has been posted by TaiyakiPress on X. Almost all of the SF4 roster (save for the Ultra additions) is represented as they don attire fitting for either being under the sun or in or near the water.

These are all posted on two pages, but TaiyakiPress also included close ups so you can peep the finer details of your favorite Street Fighter 4 characters. Adon, for instance, is seen in some scuba gear while Hakan strips down to the bear minimum as he prepares for a swim race.

Most of the ladies show off bikinis, though Cammy decides to stray from the pack and go with a one piece.

The character showing off the most skin actually happens to be Rufus, and while we can’t help but imagine what this look might have looked like if brought to actual fruition, we’re also kind of happy it wound up on the cutting room floor.

The old geezers Gen and Gouken get interesting twists as they both look an awful lot like Master Roshi of Dragon Ball fame.

Said character actually made it to a fighting game as he was a DLC inclusion for Dragon Ball FighterZ, but these would have pre-dated that game had it come out during SF4’s reign in the spotlight.

We had to double take at Vega as the Spanish fighter is completely covered in a full wetsuit. His claw and stance are the only giveaways that it’s him, and even though it’s hard to discern his identity by the picture, this costume very well could have been his best SF4 one had it made it to the game.

Check out the full gallery below and let us know what you think of the alternate(s) shown for your favorite Street Fighter 4 character in the comments afterwards.

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #1

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #2

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #3

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #4

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #5

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #6

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #7

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #8

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #9

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #10

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #11

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #12

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #13

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #14

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #15

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #16

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #17

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #18

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #19

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #20

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #21

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #22

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #23

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #24

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #25

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #26

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #27

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #28

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #29

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #30

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #31

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #32

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #33

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #34

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #35

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #36

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #37

Unused SF4 Costume Art image #38

Click images for larger versions
