COLUMN: Remembering the period of Advent

COLUMN: Remembering the period of Advent

Published 7:30 am Monday, December 18, 2023

Editor’s Note: This column was provided to the Star-News by Frankie Lancaster of St. Michael’s Anglican Church

Advent, in and of itself, means to wait for something to arrive, like “the Advent of Spring.” The first Sunday of Advent was Dec. 3.

As children we felt the anticipation of waiting to unwrap presents and feeling like it was nearly impossible to wait. As adults, however, the period of Advent before Christmas should be a serious reflection of Jesus’ birth, and what occurred in order for Him to be born.

If you study the Bible you’ll find both the Old Testament and New Testament anticipated his coming. The book of Isaiah from the Old Testament foretold of his birth, and it was written between 700 and 640 BC.

There is also a custom of the Advent wreath. It holds four candles then one white, one blue, one pink, two purple, and one white. The blue is for hope, purple for peace, pink for love, blue for joy and white in the center for Christ’s birth. Light one per week and on the last week light Christ’s candle.

St. Michael’s Anglican Church hopes you and yours enjoy the meaning of Advent this season.

For more information on Advent or our church call 334-343-6685, 334-464-0020 leave a message and your call will be returned.

St. Michael’s holds services on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Bluebird Coffee Company, 200 S. Three Notch St. in Andalusia. All are welcome to attend.
