Civil Society On HIV/AIDS In Nigeria Marks World AIDS Day Today Dec 1st 2015

Civil Society On HIV/AIDS In Nigeria Marks World AIDS Day Today Dec 1st 2015

Today, Dec 1, is the World AIDS Day, but does marking the day reduces the transmission rate? Or does it call for an action to finding the cure? Either the case, we still have to show stronghold that together we can stop or erdaricate the menace that has bewildered man centuries ago.

AIDS actually is an acronym for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. AIDS is also been related to HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus which suppresses the human immune system that gradually leads to death. According to scientists, to get AIDS, you must first get HIV. You can live with HIV for even more than 10years without any symptoms or even more.

HIV can be contracted basically through an unprotected sex with an infected partner. Others means of transmission includes sharing of unsterilized objects like Clippers, razors, needles and syringes. While blood transfusion is also another means of transmission.

The best means not to contact HIV is by abstaining from sex and sticking to one partner or having protected sex by using condoms and other contraceptives with needed.

HIV have no cure, so abstinence and awareness is the best way to have an HIV free generations.

Civil Society On HIV/AIDS In Nigeria Marks World AIDS Day Today Dec 1st 2015
CISHAN, Oyo State Chapter

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