City of the Wolves system guide trailer details all the REV mechanics and more you need to know for the upcoming beta

City of the Wolves system guide trailer details all the REV mechanics and more you need to know for the upcoming beta

City of the Wolves system guide trailer details all the REV mechanics and more you need to know for the upcoming beta

It’s been around a year since Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves was first officially revealed to the world, and now fans all around the world are about to try it out at home in the open beta test.

But before that, however, people need to know how to play, and SNK just released a new trailer aimed at going over the new mechanics and systems you need to know.

Starting out, the trailer first details the basics of the REV System stating how players are free to use REV actions like EX specials until their meter at the bottom goes from 0 to 100%.

The Selective Potential Gear (S.P.G.) is similar to Garou: Mark of the Wolves’ T.O.P Mode chosen at the character select screen to go at either the beginning, middle or end of your health bar.

While active, S.P.G. allows user to deal more damage than normal while also giving them access to armored REV Blow attacks that can be used on the ground or in the air.

REV Arts are what City of the Wolves calls its EX specials, which work about how you’d expect, except when connected to the new Fatal Fury’s perhaps most exciting mechanic.

REV Accel lets players chain REV Arts into each other or REV Blows to open the doors to more combo possibilities than ever before at the cost of pushing you towards overheating.

Fatal Fury also gets a Marvel vs. Capcom-like pushblock called REV Guard that increase pushback when guarding and negate chip damage, but it can quickly push your meter to the limit if you use it for too long.

When overheated from using too many REV actions or blocks, players temporarily lose access to REV Arts and also can be subject to guard crushes if they stay on the defensive.

Successful attacks and Just Defenses can help speed up the amount of time needed to reset your REV Meter.

Fatal Fury is making sure to give users more defensive options to take advantage of as well to show off their skills.

Just Defense can be done when correctly inputting blocks on a tight window that opens up Guard Cancels to immediately take advantage back.

Or you can get extra flashy with Hyper Defense by pressing forward or down-forward when blocking multi-hit attacks — though it’s important to note the first block does not have to be a Just Defense to get the Hyper Defense boost.

The trailer goes on to cover some more advanced mechanics too including Braking, Dodge Attacks, and Feinting certain special moves to catch the opponent off-guard as well as the big Wild Punish counters.

And then there’s Ignition Gear, Redline Gear and Hidden Gear to serve as the game’s Super options.

If you want to get a taste of more Fatal Fury action before the beta starts at midnight PST on February 20, a bunch of new and developer match footage is available to take a gander at including the newest character Kain.

You can check out the new systems trailer below to see what City of the Wolves has to offer before the doors are blown wide open with the amount of options and potential this game has to offer.

Source: Event Hubs