City of the Wolves’ main theme released

City of the Wolves’ main theme released

City of the Wolves' main theme released

We’re now just over a month away from the launch of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves’ grand return after 25 years away, and you can get a headstart on rocking out now.

SNK has released a music video for Fatal Fury’s main theme, Chain Reaction, to listen to the complete song.

Somewhat unfortunately, it’s not a big cinematic music video, but rather a more simple, stylized lyric video with screenshots and bits of the game included.

But at least now we can understand all of the words because I totally thought they’ve been saying “I’m running the circle of time” for like a year now.

We’ve of course heard bits of the song too through the character trailers as recently as Kain R. Heinlein, but now we can actually hear the verses and full song beyond the chorus.

“I’m pleased to finally share ‘Chain Reaction’—the main theme of City of the Wolves—with you all, including the full lyrics! I’m very glad to see how quickly the song has caught on with fans and the frequent requests for its full release. Truly befitting this chapter in the saga of the Hungry Wolves, the song was created with the image of both wolves and destiny in mind. I hope you enjoy listening to it while fighting in the streets of South Town!” wrote Fatal Fury’s Sound Director in a message.

If you haven’t already, check out our final impressions for Fatal Fury’s open beta test to see how we’re feeling about how the game is shaping up heading up to release.

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves is set to release on April 24, 2025 for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Source: Event Hubs