City of the Wolves is visually stunning and this side-by-side comparison with King of Fighters 15 really shows the glow up

City of the Wolves is visually stunning and this side-by-side comparison with King of Fighters 15 really shows the glow up

SNK blew the doors off of their big reveal of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves this past weekend. The classic fighting game series is finally making a return after many years, and with the latest in video game technology sees new life breathed into it.

Series staples like Rock Howard, Terry Bogard, and Tizoc are back and have already stepped into the ring to do battle, but not before getting a fresh coat of paint. Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves looks fantastic visually, and this side-by-side comparison to SNK’s most recent fighting game, King of Fighters 15, really shows just how amazing the upcoming title looks.

This comparison video comes from the mind of YouTube creator Orpheus, who compares as much parallel material as they can between the two games. Right now, Terry Bogard and Rock Howard appear in both titles, and King of the Dinosaurs is also very closely related to Tizoc and has a lot of similar maneuvers.

The showcase begins by displaying character intros from both games, which provide a great close up shot of each of the aforementioned combatants. City of the Wolves’ largest difference visually is its emphasis on what appears to be the comic book style, which sees each character and different elements of the game have heavy, almost ink-like shading and other effects to really bring it to life.

With that said, City of the Wolves has much more defined character models that pop much more visually on-screen. It’s not only the characters that are improved here, but the stages and the animations as well, which all look great so far in the upcoming Fatal Fury game.

It’s worth noting that a comparison being made to King of Fighters 15 here isn’t meant to point the finger at the 2022 fighting game and say it looks bad by any means. Instead, this comparison not only shows two similar fighting games side-by-side, but also just shows us what all SNK is capable of doing here in the modern era.

Check out the visual comparison between King of Fighters 15 and Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves below.
