City of the Wolves development

City of the Wolves development

B. Jenet and Vox Reaper were recently announced for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, SNK’s next big fighting game scheduled to release in early 2025.

Meanwhile, Hinako Shijo was released as the final DLC character for King of Fighters 15’s Season 2 back in November 2023. Since then, we’ve yet to hear word of a third season of DLC content being in development, leading many to believe that post-launch content for King of Fighters 15 has been concluded.

However, Yasuyuki Oda, SNK Producer of King of Fighters 15, recently sat down for an interview with Rooflemonger at Summer Game Fest where the topic regarding the future of King of Fighters 15 was discussed. Though Rooflemonger was asking some pretty major questions, Oda was surprisingly forthcoming with his answers.

“Is there anything in the future for the King of Fighters 15 past what we have gone through for year one and year two?” asked Rooflemonger

As mentioned before, we’ve had two seasons of DLC for King of Fighters 15 which resulting in 20 additional characters being added, with the last being Hinako Shijo. With it being so long since Season 2 had concluded, many believed that SNK had shifted their focus entirely to the development of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves.

“We are planning to add a few more characters to the game,” responded Oda through his translator. “More details to come in the future, but there’s nothing to share explicitly today.”

“So there is more life in King of Fighters 15, for sure?” asked Rooflemonger in a follow up question.

“Yes,” immediately responded the translator. Looks like there’s still more to look forward to for fans of King of Fighters 15.
