City of the Wolves ahead of first public demo

City of the Wolves ahead of first public demo

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves was first shown off in action just over a month ago, which certainly got the attention of the fighting game community (ourselves included), and some lucky players are about to get to try out the return of Garou in just a few days.

SNK just released the official fighting guide for Fatal Fury ahead of its first public demo that includes breakdowns and information for the REV System, its multitude of defensive mechanics, multiple control schemes and movelists for the characters.

As was previously revealed, Rock Howard, Terry Bogard, Hotaru Futaba, Tizoc and newcomer Preecha are going to be available to try out at Evo Japan 2024 this weekend at the SNK booth.

The new player guide website details what to expect from the REV System in Fatal Fury, which we previously covered extensively in our preview for the game, but now we have more confirmation about how mechanics like REV Guard, REV Accel, REV Blow and REV Arts work with some short video demonstrations.

It also seems we now know for sure that Overheating your REV Meter will make you unable to perform REV actions until it recovers and makes you susceptible to Guard Crush though no other detriments are listed.

We also get more concrete info on City of the Wolves’ expansive defensive options with Just Defense and Hyper Defense said to offer slight health recovery, reduce REV Meter and let you use Guard Cancel into pretty much any action you want.

The guide shows the classic Arcade Style and new Smart Style controls with a full controller breakdown where we can see how there will be dedicated buttons for specials and autocombos along with one punch and one kick.

Interestingly, it’s shown that returning Garou mechanics Braking and Feinting are apparently only available in the Arcade control style.

Finally, there’s full command lists for all five playable characters in both control schemes where you can see pretty much all of the returning favorites along with some new tricks — although they still won’t tell us how to perform the Hidden Gear supers.

Play sessions will apparently be limited to 25 minutes per person as available with attendees able to get a free Fatal Fury tote bag for answering a demo questionnaire as well as a clear folder for taking a picture at SNK’s photo spot and posting it online.

Evo Japan 2024 is taking place this weekend from April 27–29 where there’s a good chance we’ll receive more announcements for Fatal Fury as well.

You can check out the movelists for Terry, Rock, Hotaru, Tizoc and Preecha below as well as the controller options.

Fatal Fury movelists and controls image #1

Fatal Fury movelists and controls image #2

Fatal Fury movelists and controls image #3

Fatal Fury movelists and controls image #4

Fatal Fury movelists and controls image #5

Fatal Fury movelists and controls image #6

Click images for larger versions
