4 March 2018
Religiosity makes unclear truth about Christianity. At best, Religion is man’s attempt to make meaning of this physical dimension of existence or living.
You can be religious and not godly.
There's no need comparing Christianity with any religion , cos it's not a religion.
Religion was not God’s idea of Christianity. Jesus never came to establish a religion. That wasn’t God’s vision.
Indeed, many of the early apostles couldn’t see Christianity beyond Judaism. They also struggled with it.
Apostle Paul understood the dimensions of God’s vision for Christianity . But he first had to have a revelation.
Peter also had a revelation of the vision of God for Christianity but he lacked understanding. (Acts 10) Peter couldn’t understand the salvation of non-Jews.
Many early Jewish converts couldn’t understand it either. (Acts 15)
What we ordinarily call Christianity therefore is not a religion. It’s a spiritual and political expression – a Nation. Jesus Nation.
That is why Christians are referred to as citizens: “You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people.” Ephesians 2:19…
Spiritually, a new nation was born – a spiritual Israel. Unlike natural Israel, this is a commonwealth of peoples. This federation is what is known as the Body of Christ, aka the Church.
He is no longer an individual. He is a nation. Just like the FIRST Adam…..remember the Bible calls Jesus the LAST Adam…not second, which means there can not be another Adam.
In this nation called Church, there's equal rights: “There is neither male nor female.”
In the Jesus nation, “There is neither slave nor free.” All men are equal before God. Galatians 3:28
You see, when God raised Jesus from the dead, he assumed a new status.
“God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule.” Ephesians 1:20-23 MSG.
Now, this is best part of it, God has put all things under the authority of Christ and made him head over all things for the benefits of the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts.” Ephesians 1:22, 23.
What this means is that the executive power of Jesus is exercised through the Church.
Religiosity can’t handle this truth.
This totally shatters our conception of Christianity as a religion. The church is not just about singing and shouting within the four walls of a building.
It’s an organ of government – Christ’s!
Neither is the primary function of the Christianity moral instruction.
You don’t need to be a Christian to be moral! God forbid that anyone imagine Jesus died so we can have moral instruction. God forbid! That’s what Boy Scouts do!
The Church is a bank of wisdom. From her should come plans, patterns and layout for national transformation.
The Church ought to be the centre for policy and national development.
When nations and organizations are looking for direction – political, social or economic, the Church should have answers.
The church ought to be a place of leadership and vision.
It is God’s Central Intelligence Unit, a knowledge hub. A wisdom hub.
The Church must set national agenda, and disseminate not just masterplans but the Masterplan, just like Joseph did.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth…! That’s what Jesus taught. That should be our focus. If we seek first the kingdom, all what we pray for will be additions. Jesus pledged that.
As long as we think the conceptual role of the church is to just get people into heaven, the Church can’t fulfill its destiny.
Until the Church wakes up to this truth, the ideology of the Christ cannot permeate nations.
Be exceptional.
Osam Temple Edim
Is the Anglophone Africa representative of the Society of Christian Scholars.