Character guide for Ed explains all his new specials and supers in Street Fighter 6

Character guide for Ed explains all his new specials and supers in Street Fighter 6

Capcom has released another new video for Ed in Street Fighter 6, this time showing off the functions and extended uses of the character’s special attacks in a full character guide.

While there’s a ton of familiar movements we recognize from Ed’s first run in Street Fighter 5, developers have clearly changed some things up to make them work in a more balanced and specific manner relative to the rest of Ed’s arsenal.

It looks like the Psycho Spark is going to be a staple of Ed’s gameplay as the maneuver, which sees him punch downward in front of himself with a ball of Psycho Power that can be shot forward as a projectile afterwards, is important for both close and far interactions.

It sounds like Psycho Spark will be plus on block and thus set Ed up for additional pressure, and he can cancel out of many of his other less safe specials into it.

He can also use it in projectile wars and even win them outright by using the follow up projectile and OD version of the special (which gives both the initial strike and the projectile two hits each).

Ed’s Psycho Uppercut is back as both his main reversal and anti-air. It’s versatile in that he can either stay stationary or move slightly forward with it depending on the strength of punch button used, and the OD version is once again the all-or-nothing invincible reversal it was in Street Fighter 5.

Also similar to SF5 seems to be the lengthy start up time of OD Psycho Uppercut, suggesting attackers will likely be able to bait it out with meaty wake up pressure and still block.

Developers have made some interesting alterations to Ed’s Psycho Flicker, which now has some interesting mind games built into it. Ed can use it to lash out at three different angles with relatively far reaching strands of Psycho Power, but can also choose to hold the move down to enhance its properties.

There’s plenty more to the showcase including additional special manuevers as well as Ed’s three Super combos. Check it all out via the video here from Street Fighter YouTube and let us know in the comments what you think of Ed’s latest design choices when you’re done.

Interested in more on Street Fighter 6’s newest DLC character, who’s slated to release on February 27? You can listen to his theme song and view his full trailer.
