[12 June 2016] 01:41AM
It is with Joy that I wish to celebrate the Managing Editor Of NegroidHaven enterprises. The publishers of Negroidhaven.org, NegroidhavenBlog ecetra.
He is none other than the indefatigable Mr Effio ita Nyok. A man whose wealth of knowledge spans from politics to religion, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, commerce, law, economics and economies of Nations etc as the list seems endless.
It might interest you to know that this political Juggernaut of a man was a trailblazer in his undergraduate days in the renowned university of calabar agora.
His passion for politics and anything political earned him the nick name ” the corrosive and controversial senator”. He was also popularly called ” Nyok 'De Critic'. This is premised upon his critical mindset which he always employed against any failed or failling socio economic cum political or religious system.
His courageous bold front in analysis and critical evaluation of issues is unequalled, unparalleled as well as incontrovertible.
Personally, as a very close friebd of his, I have often wondered where on earth he got such “gutts?”
“Nna men” the guy has got some serious 'balls' that makes him so critical of sociopolitical systems of Governments without fear nor favour.
On countless occasions, Mr Nyok had been faced with dangerous threats by those numerous ” political thieves” who seems to be abusing the power vested on them while in the corridors of power.
Some of these political dirty warlords have even attempted to Bribe him, and cause him to stop castigating their numerous corrupt practices in the seat of power but he had in all these refused to Bulge talk less of diluting the truth to which he had sworn to not just say but to uphold.
Mr Effio ita Nyok, is a man who knows his onions, I call him a “Jack of all trade and a master of all”. He is an erudite scholar, a distinguished academic, a political Juggernaut, a jolly good fellow. A pure sanguine in nature and no doubt, a dream husband for many aspiring young and beautiful damsels.
I must add that if there is any young man that I know who is passionate about what he does, Mr Nyok is that man!
If there is any young adult who is humble, friendly, disciplined, optimistic, a team player, a sincere and honest soul, a leader with a servant heart and sincere purpose, Mr Nyok is also that man!
Infact, words alone can't exhaust his characteristics, many has testified to his beautiful lifestyle.He is a role model to many youths of today. He would stop at nothing to make you better than he met you.
Even in your five minutes conversation with him, he sure will leave you better than you were, with new knowledge of what you never knew prior to your encounter with him.
Without much ado, I make bold to say that , the entire staff and Management of Negroidhaven enterprises celebrates you Sir.. we unanimously wish you a happy birthday with long life and endless Joyful fulfilment.
Also, on behalf of all the Negroidhaven stakeholders, fans, freelance journalist, lovers and haters.. I say a happy belated birthday to you Mr Effio ita Nyok.
May you age with grace my Friend and Brother in the Struggle for a Beautiful Nigeria where Peace and Unity will Reign.
Last words, Never loose sight of the “God – Factor” as you pursue your dreams, always depend on him as without him you can do nothing but with him, you will move all the ” mount everests” hindering the struggle for a better and united Nigeria.
Much love..!
By Nelson A. Osuala
*Associate Editor in Negriodhaven*
*The CEO of Negroidhaven*
Mr William Oyo-Ita Orok
*The Associate Editor (Sports)*
of Negroidhaven
Mr Samuel Oladele Ekun