Prince Thomas Abi Jr|17 January 2017
He lived for just 39 years, but he is the most celebrated black man in the history of America. He was not only a good man, but a legend who stood for the truth. He changed the lives of many. Fought for the rights of the downtrodden, the weak, oppressed, against tribalism, racism and sectionalism.
Martin Luther King Jr. gave hope to the world. As a civil rights activist he fought for the fundamental human rights of the black people in America.
As a clergyman, he preached the message of Christ to unbelievers and centered his message on love for one's brother.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear”.
I agree with him, because when you carry grudges against someone you look old, wrinkled and weak. And that is why we must preach love and show love to one another.
My friend, this great man was at his prime age when it is expected that he should enjoy his youth but he took it upon himself to speak for mankind. He decided to pay the price for the black people in America.
What are you doing to give hope to those who are in very terrible conditions? Are you just folding your hands because you feel you are too young? No! My friend, the life of legendary Martin Luther King Jr. should inspire you to help change the many ills in our society.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals”.
King Jr. was dedicated, he knew he had a purpose in his generation and he fulfilled it. My friend, the same energy, faith and belief Martin Luther King Jr. had should fuel us to do what is right even if we are the lone voice in wilderness.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The time is always right to do what is right”.
The time is right to speak for your people and add value in anyway you can irrespective of your age, tribe, political affiliation or religion.
I join millions of people across the nations of the world in celebrating this legend. This fine gentleman that gave his life for the oppressed and weak in America.
Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Social Commentator