Car hits SUV in Biden’s motorcade during event in Delaware

Car hits SUV in Biden’s motorcade during event in Delaware

President Biden and the first lady were uninjured after a car crashed into an SUV that was part of the president’s motorcade while parked in downtown Wilmington, Del., on Sunday night.

The president and first lady attended a reception with campaign staff in Wilmington, where the campaign is headquartered. The two emerged from the event shortly after 8 p.m., and the president stopped to answer a question about why he’s losing to former President Trump in the polls.

Biden responded that reporters were looking at “the wrong polls.” Moments later, a sedan with Delaware license plates hit an SUV that was parked at the intersection across the street from campaign headquarters.

The first lady had already gotten into her vehicle, while the president was still standing outside the car when the crash happened.

Secret Service agents escorted Biden into his car and approached the vehicle that had crashed into the motorcade.

The president’s motorcade pulled away a few minutes later, and the president and first lady arrived back at their Wilmington home at roughly 8:20 p.m.

A man walking by loudly said “oh my gosh” when this happened.

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