Capcom staff show off official new Street Fighter 6 cosplay costumes and censor Juri’s feet in funny new marketing spot

Capcom staff show off official new Street Fighter 6 cosplay costumes and censor Juri's feet in funny new marketing spot

We were recently scrolling X when we stumbled upon what looks like an old, late night television spot featuring a couple of grown men cosplaying as Manon and Cammy from Street Fighter 6. Upon further inspection, we realized this was actually a brand new video made by Capcom themselves and featuring Community Team staff members.

The video is actually a launch announcement for the new Capcom Goods Corner, where you’ll find the latest products you can get to show your fandom. Social Media Manager Andy Wong leads us through the presentation (as Cammy, of course) showing off six new items fans can soon get their hands on.

First off, the cosplay costumes on display are real and on sale. They’re all featured over at Micotaku where they’re 15-25% off right now for Halloween.

The selection currently includes standard looks for Juri, Cammy, A.K.I, Chun-Li, and Manon along with costume 3 for both Juri and Cammy. With the discounts in place, the cheapest of these will run you $42 while the most expensive will cost $106.

The parodic nature of the marketing spot is actually well executed as it got a laugh or two out of us while we watched. The sheer devotion to the old school format with lower than average quality (especially considering this is a visual presentation) give it some natural charisma, and seeing Andy and David sell their respective cosplays without breaking was fairly entertaining.

Little touches, like when they censor Juri’s feet around the 58 second mark, take the presentation to the next level and we think you’ll enjoy it even if you don’t wind up buying any of the items Capcom showcases.

In addition to the costumes there are themed sunglasses, action figures, plushies, Infinite Objects, and the Flyboy Capcom 1942 Automatic Pixel Limited Edition wrist watch. See it all in the full video below:
