Capcom’s Real Battle Hub event is still going on in Japan right now and attendees are getting some time in with Street Fighter 6’s next DLC character, Akuma. Unfortunately for those of us who aren’t there, this event is not allowing cameras or the posting of images and video of the new build of the game, so tweets reporting changes and things about Akuma are almost all we have to go off of right now as far as new information is concerned.
The one exception to that is Street Fighter 6 Game Director Takayuki Nakayama posting the occasional image of Akuma on his personal Twitter account, and today we have another screenshot and another first look to behold. This time, Nakayama shared what Akuma looks like on the versus stare down screen, and the immediate takeaway is that his mane of hair is actually gigantic.
Last time, the SF6 developer shared an image of Akuma’s unique idle animation on the character select screen. If you hover over Akuma without selecting him, you’ll see him sitting cross legged on the floor patiently awaiting his next bout.
This time, though, we get to see Akuma at the spot where he can utilize the Game Faces feature, but we’re not entirely sure if the face he’s making in the new screenshot is one of his reactions or just his default. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s his default look here, but it will be interesting to see what intense (and silly) faces Akuma might be able to make at the stare down screen come launch.
What’s wild is that this image really shows us how large Akuma’s hairdo is. His mane takes up a good portion of the screen, and with two Akumas going up against each other the P1 side Akuma sees his hair actually overlapping with his opponent.
On top of seeing Akuma at the stare down screen for the first time, those of us not in attendance at the event also get a small glimpse at the character’s color 2. With color 1, the only color we’d seen previously, Akuma rocks his new white hair, but it appears color 2 returns his hair back to his traditional red.
We don’t get to see what the rest of his costume looks like with color 2 here, though, sadly. Hopefully Nakayama-san will share that sometime soon.
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— TAKA-nakayama (@takaNakayama) May 3, 2024
Akuma and the Season 2 balance changes are slated to be added to Street Fighter 6 on May 22.