It’s a big wild to think about how many recognizable gaming franchises Capcom has under their wheelhouse, but also the large number of them that have been essentially lying dormant for many years.
Capcom recently shared some early results after receiving over 200,000 votes from their big Super Election campaign surveying fans on their thoughts of the company and what games they’d like to receive sequels, reboots or new entries.
The results are shown off as a giant world bubble representing the most popular words and titles used by the fans in the election though it’s a bit unclear if it includes votes or just responses written in.
Words mentioned more appear larger in the image, so we can get a bit of a scale of how many people were asking for certain games / series.
Outside of Capcom themselves and “thank you”, the most popular words are interestingly Mega Man and Dino Crisis as the largest followed by Resident Evil and Ace Attorney.
What may be of more interest to fighting game fans, however, is that Street Fighter appears in the next rank down from those at the top, which is nice to see, but it also isn’t alone.
Darkstalkers apparently got brought up enough to be in that same category as well, and it was featured on the voting options for wanted sequels alongside Dino Crisis, Devil May Cry, Vs. Capcom, Final Fight, Breath of Fire and others.
The words aren’t together, but “Rival” and “Schools” are both there as well one or two sizes down from SF and Darkstalkers, which is almost surprising that it’d be brought up seemingly around as much as more popular series like Dead Rising, Dragon’s Dogma and Breath of Fire.
Rival Schools wasn’t on the sequel options for voting, but it was included in the potential remakes category while Power Stone remains absent entirely.
Click images for larger versions
Moving down another size for words, Marvel is there on the right side though we’re not seeing Vs. Capcom, which is almost for sure what it’s up there on the list for.
Finally among the smallest titles, Capcom vs. SNK made it in there too.
There’s also a Japanese version of the word rankings where Rival Schools actually appears to be the most mentioned fighting game over Street Fighter.
Vampire (Darkstalkers) and SNK are there on the smaller side too, but the only Vs. title we see specifically mentioned is actually Alien vs. Predator funnily enough.
They may not be the biggest overall, but fighting games seem to have the most genre representation out of everything here, which is pretty encouraging.
While it’s certainly possible nothing could end up really coming out of this for fighters, these rankings do show that players are still interested and trying to make their voices heard to Capcom directly.
Voting is still open until April 12 as well in the Super Election, so there’s just over a week to get your answers in if you haven’t already on the Capcom Town website.
Hopefully, Capcom will release the final voting results to the public so we can all see exactly how our favorite games ranked, but that probably won’t be until at least a decent bit of time has passed.
Then we could all see how much Capcom took these votes and responses into considering moving forward in the next handful of years.