Capcom Cup X champion demonstrates why it’s extremely dangerous to jump over Mai Shiranui while in the corner in Street Fighter 6

Capcom Cup X champion demonstrates why it’s extremely dangerous to jump over Mai Shiranui while in the corner in Street Fighter 6

Capcom Cup X champion demonstrates why it's extremely dangerous to jump over Mai Shiranui while in the corner in Street Fighter 6

Mai Shiranui recently joined Street Fighter 6 as the second guest character from SNK, after Terry Bogard. As expected, many competitive players have been labbing tech and match ups in order to get a better understanding of Mai’s overall role in the current meta.

We haven’t heard much from UMA327 since his Capcom Cup X victory with Juri, but it seems that he’s also be exploring Mai in Street Fighter 6. Mai’s ability to corner carry opponents might be even scarier than we first realized.

In a recent clip, UMA327 showcases why it can be very dangerous to jump over Mai while trapped in the corner. Although it might initially seem like a good idea seeing as how it can potentially evade a throw loop scenario, a practiced Mai will be able to punish most opponents for the attempt.

UMA327 has seemingly created a “tier list” of sorts that ranks each character based on how easily they get punished for jumping in this scenario. Those playing Luke, Jamie, Manon, Kimberly, JP, Juri, Dee Jay, Guile, Ed, Akuma, and M. Bison will have to be especially aware of this tech.

As showcased in the clip, Mai can essentially carry the opponent from one corner to the other with the correct anti-air setup. Not only will this result in the opponent taking a lot of damage, but they’ll essentially be stuck in the same situation that they were in before.

The good news for those not playing Mai is that it would appear that Mai needs access to her Flame Charge system that gets generated from using her level 1 super art. Without this resource, it might be a little safer to try jumping out.

Check it all out below:

Source: Event Hubs