Efio-Ita Nyok|5 July 2016|10:00am
Sequel to the retort by one of Ayade's aide, Arc Eric Akpo, SA on Technical Matters to Governor Ben Ayade, on behalf of his principal against the opprobrium lashed against Ayade from no mean quarters like Dr Alex Egbona and Princewill Odidi, a popular social commentator in the person of Simon Utsu, has castigated Governor Ben Ayade.
He did this in an article titled: 'Governor Ayade takes a swipe at local politician, Alex Egbona for questioning his policies'.
Amongst other things, Social Commentator Utsu describes Ayade as dancing' senge menge' from his oversea base, that Ayade is arrogant, that the state is notoriously dirty because of the governor's AWOL, and finally submits that the plethora of aides Ayade has is inspired by the need to convert them into social media attack dogs against perceived enemies of the government. Read his exact words,
It's official, the Governor of Cross River state now handles the state like it's Sega mega drive. He's playing games with his people; he's dancing senge menge from his numerous overseas bases. Anytime he deems it fit, he retorts arrogantly at opinions that don't go down well with him. We don't even know where he unleashed this latest(but rare) reply from, is it from Singapore? Canada? Malaysia? Kosovo or Malawi?
My question is, has Cross river state now turned to a video game which you play carelessly on or offline whenever you feel bored?
He has been out of the state for more than a month- yet again. Whenever he leaves, the people are left in the dark as to his whereabouts, nothing moves, insecurity thrives, refuse heaps grow in leaps and bounds… CalABAr is fast turning into Aba of old…Aba of the 90's and early 2000's…the Aba that prided itself as the Headquarters of lawlessness and filth. It sad but truth be told, that is Ayade's Calabar for you :/
Some times it's more honourable to ignore, avoid or snub the ignorance display by some people on the responsibility of government to protect lives and properties.
I now understand why Governor Ayade made retinue of unnecessary appointments. They have different nomenclature but are all hired as social media attack dogs.
Some who claim to be PDP sympathizers don't even have membership cards. What a shame!
It will be recalled that Arc Akpo had questioned Dr Egbona rather rhetorically thus: 'So, we should not bring in FDI?' when the latter criticised Governor Ayade's introduction of Canadian educational system in the state.
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven)