Call to the bar: Which Inn has the best boozer?

Ranked by future pupil barrister

Call to the bar: Which Inn has the best boozer?
Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln’s and Gray’s

Which bar sets the bar for those looking for a drink at the bar?

Well, future pupil barrister at Hailsham Chambers, Tomas McCabe, has taken it upon himself to rank the bars found within the four historic Inns of Court: Gray’s, Lincoln’s, Inner and Middle.

In a recent video posted to YouTube, Birkbeck law grad McCabe explains that neither Inner (his Inn) nor Middle were able to offer any on tap options, leaving them out of the running for the top prize. Inner’s Pegasus Bar ultimately secured the bronze medal, with Middle’s The Garden Room being what “some might say [is] a little bit too casual”.

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Taking second spot in McCabe’s rankings is Gray’s Inn’s boozer, Bridge Bar, which received good feedback even though it had run out of McCabe’s preferred draught on the day.

This left Lincoln’s Inn’s MCR to take the drinking crown, thanks in part to its great atmosphere, architecture, and availability of on tap lager.

Do you agree with McCabe’s rankings? Let us know in the comments below…

Check out the full video below

The Legal Cheek Pupillage Fair takes place on Tuesday 12 December —  APPLY NOW

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