C' RIVER SUPER HIGHWAY: The Importance of a Good Transportation System to the Economy of a State -By Thomas Abi Jr.

C' RIVER SUPER HIGHWAY: The Importance of a Good Transportation System to the Economy of a State -By Thomas Abi Jr.

Thomas Abi Jr|21 October 2015|3:09am

One of the key factors that play a major role in a region or state economic growth is the presence of an accessible and efficient transport system. This is so because, good road network provides access to the region which promotes economic activities of that region or State.

Transportation is key to development, it is a critical factor for economic growth. And with the Super highway that is to come, it will open the Cross River market, it will aid in the distribution of food products, boost the agricultural potentials of Cross River State, provide good and quality education for our people, improve the medical and infrastructural facilities of the Cross River people. 

Transportation is key to sustaining  economic growth,  with the 260 KM Super Highway, it will improve the living standard of the Cross River people, and increase the income generated in the State. 

The Super Highway, that is to come has a big role of attracting development to Cross River. Businesses will troop in, companies and industries, can not afford to invest their money in a region without potential, but the Super Highway, on completion will promote businesses in the State and also increase the traffic of people coming to Cross River for leisure, business, meetings and also the Calabar Carnival. 

The Super highway, on completion, has the capacity of becoming the back bone of the Cross River economy. It will improve the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the State, and also increase the life span of persons that ply the Cross River highway. It can be recalled that over the years, so many persons have lost their lives due to the deplorable condition of the road linking Cross River State to the far north.  The Super highway, on completion, is going to shorten the many hours spent on the road and also promote longevity for persons plying the road. 

Let it be known that good transportation reduces poverty. The people of Cross River State, are predominantly farmers, and with the Super Highway, the local farmers and those farming would be able to transport their products to the market. Over the years, our farmers have lost so much money as a result of the bad condition of our, the Super highway, is a panacea to the cry of our farmers who work round the clock to make ends meet.

The Super Highway, will create jobs for our people. It will ameliorate the suffering of the Cross River people. The road on completion, is going increase the life span of vehicles. It is a laudable project and I will say good transport system(Super Highway) has the capacity of opening the State for economic growth. 

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator