C/River inaugurated into technical c'tee on oil palm production for Nigeria

C/River inaugurated into technical c'tee on oil palm production for Nigeria

Government News Source|28 April 2019 
Economic revival efforts of Governor Ben Ayade, has received a massive boost, from federal government, as Cross River state, has been nominated and inaugurated into the National Technical Review Committee on Oil Palm Production for Nigeria. 
The Committee mandate is to review oil palm policy and strategies to increase production and sale of oil palm produce in Nigeria. 
The DG of Cross River Investment Promotion Bureau, Architect John Etim-Bassey was on the 23rd of April, nominated and inaugurated into a 25 man National Technical review Committee on oil Palm production in Nigerian. 
John Etim-Bassey who is one of Cross Rivers brightest technocrats was alongside other committee members headed by Mr Celestine Ikuenobe of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, inaugurated by the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Investment Promotion Council. 
The committee was charged with reviewing existing policies and procedures which may be hampering oil palm production and proffer solutions that would increase Nigeria’s oil palm output to 1000% of its current capacity. 
The technical committee was given a 60 day mandate to present its reports and recommendations to the federal executive council for consideration approval and subsequent implementation.