C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines
L: Kalita Joe Aruku 
Efio-Ita Nyok|23 July 2017 
Kalita Joe Aruku, the Deputy Youth Leader of the Cross River State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been slammed for polarising Nigerians along religious lines in that he published a thread on his social media account highlighting federal appointments occupied by Christians in contrast with those occupied by Moslems NegroidHaven has learnt. 
For Aruku, with the seeming plethora of Christians in public offices of choice, some Nigerians are still alleging that there’s an Islamisation attempt on Nigeria. 
See Aruku’s copied piece: ‘It is only in Nigeria, you have Acting President a Christian & Pastor, Finance Minister a Christian, Chief Justice of the Federation a Christian, CBN Governor a Christian, 
Minister of Petroleum a Christian, 
Deputy Senate President a Christian, 
Secretary to the Federation a Christian, 
Speaker is a Christian, Tax Collector is a Christian, While Christian are Islamizing Nigeria.
‘Yet, you keep hearing that Mr President agenda is nothing but to Islamize the country’. 
However, one Alice Achievers differed with Aruku positing that his post is rather divisive: ‘It’s very shameful to see these kind of conversations and arguments from our youths that should be advocating for peace and progress. 
‘I have tried to imagine what value the subject of this particular discussion at this time will add to us as a people. In Kogi state we have so much soursop fruits littered in every street and compound. We underatand that it kills cancer cells 10,000 times stronger than chemo. 
‘I don’t know how many of us has taken time to read the health benefits and applications. Uncountable types of  fruits letter our Benue state without a fruit processing industry. No youth has taken time to research into or advocate for processing options to leverag on the benefits of these and how to better humanity. 
‘The world is going into renewable energy but our focus is still on oil as a nation. We have cocoa and cassava locally even in the state . They are exported, processed into chocolate, pharmaceuticals, etc and brought back to us (as import products) at exorbitant rate. We should egage government productively to develop technologies that will improved our productive capacities? 
‘So many of our youths are churned out of school yearly only to go back and be catered for by the same parents that has laboured so much to see them through school. The situation is generally worrisome. What needs to be done is for us to refocus for the future. Creating new dreams and vision is what our responsibilities should be now and not creating religious wars and unnecessary boundaries. GOD is not a fool to have brought the two children into existence. 
C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines
C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

C/River APC Youth leader given 2 heavy knocks for polarising Nigerians along Religious lines

‘But we must stop playing HIS role because HE knows what to do to who and when. I appeal to us to disabuse our minds from sentimental politicking and focus on productive and articulative discussions that will bring good our ways please. The issue of religion is beyond us… We owe ourselves Education not explanations! My thoughts…
Moses Billiri Yusuf toed the line of argument of Achi above but harping on different premises : ‘That’s was how Kalita Joe Aruku was posting on the issue of CRS blaming Goodluck. Now we know better with the Federal Govt withdrawing the merger. Not once did we hear of Goodlucks lopsided appointments. Try as Kalita would want to paint Christians for his pot of porridge, Buhari has admitted his appointments are lopsided. 
‘Finally, Kalita is making reference to the Second in Command. Vice President,  Deputy President. Is Kalita now saying Buhari would not come back? You in the Southsouth who knows not what happens up North can freely say anything. 
‘The likes of Kalita would soon call General TY Danjuma a Wailer. They spoke against the background  of what is prevailing in the NORTH and not the South’. 
Albeit, the pounded Youth leader has rather insisted that intention was to show how lopsided the Islamisation arguments has been. 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven