Lily is a very interesting character in Street Fighter 6. Her tool kit and overall strategy make her playstyle simple and straightforward, and though she has some strong abilities for certain situations, she has overall been considered on the weaker end of the cast.
Some players claim she is stronger than people think, so in order to get to the bottom of what all this character actually is prominent player and content creator Broski decided to spend a week playing as her. In one of his latest videos, the highly skilled A.K.I. player shares his overall thoughts on Lily after a week and pitches what balance changes he’d give to her if the decision was his.
“I do still think that she’s probably one of the most straightforward characters in the game, but at the same time she has a lot of weird design decisions that are kind of awkward to play once you start getting to higher level play,” Broski explained.
A large portion of the video features footage from Broski’s recent Lily matches. After fighting through a variety of different opponents and match ups, he goes on to discuss his final findings.
“I think she is good. I don’t think she’s great, I don’t think she’s terrible, I think she’s like… mid,” Broski says. He goes on to explain that he himself could never play Lily due to how susceptible she is to Drive Impact.
Demonstrating a very common situation Lily finds herself in, Broski shows how hitting a light string into a light wind stocked Condor Spire leaves Lily open to being countered with Drive Impact despite the special move hitting three times. As he notes, when she’s spaced out from a normal at all, the first hit of the wind charged Spire whiffs making it so that the opponent beats her clean.
Broski also touches on how all of her command normals are tied to the heavy punch button, which makes things confusing and more complicated to use. Forward heavy punch is cited here as “one of the worst normals in the game” that no one uses outside of a very specific punish combo (which could be done with back heavy punch anyway for more damage).
At the end of the day, Broski says that if he was behind balance in Street Fighter 6 he would nerf her crouching heavy punch and buff essentially all of her other tools. He explains that this character is still in desperate need of a redesign for her tool kit.
Check out the whole video below for even more Lily findings from Broski.