Brian_F goes over the indicators that an opponent cheated during ranked Street Fighter 6 match despite doubts from commenters

Brian_F goes over the indicators that an opponent cheated during ranked Street Fighter 6 match despite doubts from commenters

Cheating is, unfortunately, becoming more prominent in fighting games as online becomes more pronounced. Earlier this year, Broski covered how to identify and beat cheaters in Street Fighter 6.

Brian_F had a suspicious encounter with a player during his ranked session. Every time Brian_F used Terry Bogard’s Burn Knuckle, the opponent would counter either with a Drive Impact or Drive Reversal, even in situations where it didn’t make sense.

There were those that immediately called Brian_F out after he concluded that his opponent was using some sort of script. Of course, there have certainly been instances of players being falsely accused of cheating from prominent figures, but Brian_F was willing to back up his statements with evidence.

First off, it should be noted that the average human’s reaction time is about a quarter of a second, which amounts to about 15 frames in a fighting game that runs 60 frames per second. This player was using Drive Impact and Drive Reversal within about four frames of Terry’s Burn Knuckle about every single time.

While it could be argued that the alleged cheater was simply good at reading Brian_F, the consistency of their inputs doesn’t seem possible for a human. It’s also funny to note that Brian_F was able to point out instances of these inputs triggering even when they were caught in a combo involving Burn Knuckle.

Based on everything outlined in the video, it does seem very likely that a script was inputting Drive Impact whenever the opponent attempted to use Burn Knuckle. Brian_F is able to showcase how this can be determined by looking at the replays.

Check it all out below:
