BREAKING: NYSC Announces a Shocker ..Postpones 2016 Batch 'A' Stream(II)Orientation.

BREAKING: NYSC Announces a Shocker ..Postpones 2016 Batch 'A' Stream(II)Orientation.

Admin [19 May 2016] 10:38AM

It appears to my mind that the present socioeconomic recession which our dear country, Nigeria is facing has has not left out 'High and Mighty'!

Isn't it pathetic that a 'whole' NYSC seems to be handicapped as It has confessed to being affected by not just the economic situation but also the supposed National strike action that have already commenced in some parts of the country?

We are however concerned about the resultant effect of the above decision by the management as it affects the Nigerian youths whose future ambition, career, as well as employment opportunities in Nigeria seems to be dwindling on  the pendulum of uncertainty.

The Government of Nigeria must need get to the drawing board and find ways to arrest this socioeconomic monster that is gradually eating up the fabrics of our National Peace, Unity and Progress.