Brand new Tremor Kameo appears to be bugged depending on which character uses the assist in Mortal Kombat 1

Brand new Tremor Kameo appears to be bugged depending on which character uses the assist in Mortal Kombat 1

It’s become something of a running theme that new updates and additions have brought more apparent glitches to Mortal Kombat 1, and today seems to be no different.

Tremor just launched as the first DLC Kameo fighter for MK1, and it appears as though he assist is bugged for most of the cast depending on which character he’s paired with.

The game itself lists Tremor’s up assist uppercut as being -7 on block in the frame data, but that’s really not the case for all but a few fighters.

After cesium_v pointed out the apparent inconsistency, our own Justin ‘AdaptiveTrigger’ Gordon tested the move with every single character in the game on PlayStation 5 with some pretty astonishing results.

If the assist is truly supposed to only be -7 on block, then only two fighters in the whole game can achieve that being Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

We’re actually starting to wonder if the move was actually planned to be -16 because that’s what it is for the majority of the roster.

Even that isn’t consistent, however, since there are others who are -8, -10, -11, or -12 after using this particular Tremor Kameo.

There is the mechanic in the game where character plus Kameo choice changes health values, but we’ve never heard of it messing with the frame data before.

That’s a pretty sizable difference between them as well considering that means Scorpion and Sub-Zero could only be potentially punished by the absolute fastest attacks in the game while most everyone else is open to much larger retorts.

The frame data display being wrong would be one simple thing, having it be strangely inconsistent across the entire cast is on a whole different level that we generally don’t see in this genre (at least in more modern times).

NetherRealm Studios doesn’t appear to have acknowledged this apparent glitch yet, but they’re likely going to need to address it in the very near future.

We don’t really feel as though this bug by itself is enough to warrant tournament bans or rule changes though discussions are likely going to happen if it’s not fixed soon.

The closest thing we can really compare it to recently is the issue with Omni-Man too where his combo damage scaling appeared to be different between consoles and PC.

We tested this move multiple times with all members of the cast against Baraka.

Incorporating different variables like changing distances did not have an impact on the frame data.

Here’s a breakdown of all our findings for Tremor’s uppercut Kameo assist frame data, so you can see the full differences for yourselves.

• Sub-Zero — (-7)

• Scorpion — (-7)

• Kung Lao — (-8)

• Liu Kang — (-10)

• Nitara — (-11)

• Havik — (-11)

• Ashrah — (-12)

• Kitana — (-16)

• Baraka — (-16)

• Mileena — (-16)

• Tanya — (-16)

• Rain — (-16)

• Smoke — (-16)

• Reptile — (-16)

• Li Mei — (-16)

• Kenshi — (-16)

• Geras — (-16)

• Omni-Man — (-16)

• Shang Tsung — (-16)

• General Shao — (-16)

• Sindel — (-16)

• Reiko — (-16)

• Raiden — (-16)

• Johnny Cage — (-16)

Contributions to this story were made by Justin ‘AdaptiveTrigger’ Gordon.
