Big Bang 6 is going to be happening this weekend and it’ll going on in Marfil, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Notable participants include LG|DarkAngel, Koopatj, CDM|Lokof, CDM|Rino, AR|Wero Asamiya, Tamago, Kusanagi, Lugabo, LAGr|Jazdero, CDM|KoferoHonesto, Pako, ShadowX, AR|Robert, Tako, DivineExorcist4, Urezs, JuanKOF and more.
Big Bang 6 is an event on the SNK World Championship tour which means there’s a qualification spot up for grabs for King of Fighters 15.
The main tournaments are King of Fighters 15 which sits at over 70 participants, Street Fighter 6 with more than 60 registrants, The King of Fighters ’98 which has around 35 players, Tekken 8 with more than 20 signups as well as Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 sitting at exactly 20 people signed up.
There will also be side events for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, King of Fighters 13, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising and Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers).
English streaming will be done at Tampa Never Sleeps and more streaming will be done at KOF Romance, TeamCDW and Anya Tekken.
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All times listed are CST.
Time Zone Conversion:
PST: Subtract 2 hours.
EST: Add 1 hour.
UTC/UK Time: Add 6 hours.
CET: Add 7 hours.
JST: Add 15 hours.
Source: Event Hubs