Baraka and Stryker giving you trouble? This guide teaches how to counter their setups in Mortal Kombat 1

Baraka and Stryker giving you trouble? This guide teaches how to counter their setups in Mortal Kombat 1

In a previous version of Mortal Kombat 1, Baraka was clearly a top tier candidate thanks to the damage and safety he was permitted when paired with the Cyrax Kameo. Later, a certain patch would then apply nerfs to Baraka’s damage and Cyrax’s ambush Kameo, reducing the overall effectiveness of this team in Mortal Kombat 1.

Though there were initially some doubts regarding Baraka’s viability by that point, it turns out that Baraka still has really strong synergy with the Styker Kameo, particularly with his Grenade Toss ambush. This became especially apparent thanks to NASR|TekkenMaster’s big win with Baraka and Stryker at Ultimate Fighting Arena 2023.

At this point, many players are now calling for the Stryker Kameo to be nerfed due to how it allows characters like Baraka to keep pressuring in situations where they are normally supposed to be unsafe on block. Seemingly in response to this, iScream has created a quick guide that demonstrates just a few ways on how to counter Baraka.

One of the key points is to wait for Baraka to use the Baraka Barrage special. By timing an armored special that puts your character airborne during the gap of the last hit of Baraka Barrage, it’ll be possible to trade with Stryker’s Grenade Toss. Alternatively, you could also just use an uppercut.

By then using an ambush Kameo like Scorpion, it should be possible to pick up a combo from this trade. This would make it so that trades in this manner are more beneficial to you.

Following this, iScream then demonstrates how players can use a Kameo as a meat shield to block Grenade Toss while a combo is underway. This is particularly useful when Baraka players hope to use Blade Charge as a wake up option, covered by Stryker to stay safe.

Check it all out in the clip below:
