Bar course students offered extra exam resits

Follows trial last year

Bar course students offered extra exam resits
Bar course students will now have the option to take additional resits to enable them to be called to the bar.

After a trial with BPP University Law School in December 2023, the opportunity for additional attempts at assessments will be extended to all bar students this spring.

Students will complete resits with BPP, regardless of the original provider they were enrolled with.

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These extra attempts are available even if a student has reached the maximum number of permitted re-sits for the academic award at their original provider. Students who choose to take extra resits with BPP will be eligible to be called to the bar, but will not receive an academic qualification from either BPP, or their original provider. Students will then be qualified to undertake a pupillage.

Whilst students must complete their bar studies within five years of enrolment, “as far as the BSB is concerned, there is no limit to the number of times those elements can be retaken within 5 years”, a document on the programme by BPP reads.

To qualify, students must have exhausted all assessment opportunities and appeals processes at their original provider.

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