BACKLASH: There's no logic that justifies cultism —Special Adviser Eric Akpo

BACKLASH: There's no logic that justifies cultism —Special Adviser Eric Akpo

Efio-Ita Nyok|14 August 2017 
The Special Adviser to the Executive Governor of Cross River State on Technical Matters, Arc Eric Akpo, has expressly stated that there's no logic that justifies cultism NegroidHaven can report authoritatively. 
The SA Technical who incidentally is a front-line appointee and inlaw of Gov Ben Ayade stated this on Sunday morning where he narrated how he was below 40 in age, a former student activist, and a member of a United Nations affiliate organisation —University of Calabar Collegiate Junior Chamber. 

SA Akpo who claimed to be an individual given to saying the truth asserted that he did not need to be a cultist to be courageous. He added that he has always spoken against cultism and still does. His words, 'I am a youth below 40 and an appointee in Senator Ayade's Administration in Cross River State, I am a product of the Student Union, and was always a very active student who would never be afraid to speak on whatever, I was bold and courageous; but my confidence was inborn, I did not need to become a cultist to be bold!
'I have stood firmly against cultism and I still do until today!… I joined the University of Calabar Collegiate Junior Chamber (Junior Chamber International University of Calabar Chapter) way back in 2000/2001and I learned so much and owe so much to this organisation.'
Continuing SA Akpo observed, 'There is no logic that justifies cultism'; he had earlier said, 'I am moved this Sunday morning to make this declaration'. The question is, what moved Akpo to declare in pastoral style? Was he in church, about to go to church or coming out from church? Of late, unknown things seem to be moving Gov Ayade's appointees to either be declaring support for or against cultism. Recall that for about two weeks now the hashtag, #Iamnotagainstcultism has been trending. 
However, it should be noted that despite SA Akpo's proposal to explore the potentials of United Nations affiliated organizations like Junior Chamber International #JCI, and others that develops one mentally for leadership, entrepreneurship, social service, social etiquette etc, it should be stated in clear terms that the Governor Ben Ayade administration is steeped in cultism! 
Let me also be moved to say, in Akpo's pastoral style (by whatever mysterious thing that seem to be moving people these days) that cultism does not pay, has never paid and will not begin to pay now. Anyone who must have endorsed it may have done so in forgivable error or in a quality of candidness too rash for public office holders.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven