Ayade's Commissioner for ICT Outlines 3-Points Agenda to include…

Ayade's Commissioner for ICT Outlines 3-Points Agenda to include...

Efio-Ita Nyok|1 March 2016|5:21am

Cross River State Commissioner  -Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Chief Offu Aya, recently announced his three points agenda for the ministry during his tenure in office to include but may not be limited to:  
1. The actualisation of Governor Ben Ayade's Smart City Project.
2. Initiate and finalise Connectivity to MDAs.
3. Successful creation of an CRS-ICT Incubation Center.

In other to actualize the above, the Honourable Commissioner according to an insider, 'has dragged down investors like Huawei, Samsung, MTN and Main One (The Owners Of Submarine Cables). He's also Reactivated links to all former partners to the ministry when it was a department. He's equally undertaking a tout to Abuja to see NITDA, SMEDAN and Minister For Communication Technology'. 

Within less than 6 months in office, the achievements of the Honourable Commissioner for Information Communication Technology (ICT) have been identified to be:

*Restoration to full functionality of an hitherto dormant Cross River State Government website.

*Organisation of training for 2000 youths of the state origin which was well attended

*Seeing to the assembling of Mind Phone Company electronic devices here in the state

The American Ambassador to the country paid a courtesy visit to the Ministry for the obvious reason of partnering with her in view of ICT advancement. Again, the Commissioner has undertaken a facility tour of all other ministry to see his support staff there, how they are faring and have a first hand knowledge of their respective challenges. Because of his knack for commitment, dedication and handwork, etc the Commissioner introduced an every day early morning meeting with all his staff at the Ministry since 1 January 2016 to check late coming -a trend he has maintained.

A particular sentiment that suggests that the Ministry of ICT is currently Cross River State most active Ministry has been elicited. Whether this is true or false will be determined in the future. However, this information retail outfit is poised to keeping you abreast with recent developments from this ministry.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven