Ayade have just one Ticket to fight for —by Modlin Odu

Ayade have just one Ticket to fight for —by Modlin Odu

8 May 2018 
When politicians are scared of going to the field to battle for victory, they start fabricating stories of who is supporting who. You hear them saying “his body language suggests he is supporting so so so and so person”. What is body language? How can a decision as important as leadership be determined by raised brows, winks or nodding of head? Is it that these jobbers don't know what body language is?
His Excellency Prof. Ben Ayade is too intelligent and politically independent and superfluously sophisticated for cheap propaganda by “boys” on the payroll of some political aspirants.
When the time comes, the governor will fight for just one ticket because he can only serve in one office at a particular time, that ticket will be the gubernatorial ticket to project his second term ambition. Gone are the days of imposition of candidates in Cross River State politics which birthed leaders that are proven to be inept, weak, not idealistic, not creative, not credible, not accountable, visionless, missionless and possess every characteristics of FAILURE because they were served power like babies being fed with Cerelac. They abuse and misuse it because they don't know how expensive it is to get. 
My dear brothers and sisters of Central Senatorial District and Cross River State at large, we will not be deceived by lies and propaganda. We will support our respective aspirants and judge them using our grass root assessment not big names associated with them.
If you are a politician, go back to the grassroot and do the needful. Win grassroot acceptability not with lies but by your popularity gained by genuine service to the people over time. Like I said earlier, the governor has just one ticket to fight for, he is too intelligent to gamble with this chance. People who have big names to mention at the national level and enough money to run elections don't make noise, they still go back to the people to interact and consult them. This is what I believe is POLITICS and only people with political gold blood in their veins, with very conspicuous impressive, outstanding academic portfolio know this truth. I charge nothing in sharing it with the public anyway. They say knowledge is pricelessly expensive. 
You can't serve a people that don't know you even if you have the support of Queen Elizabeth of England well blended with that of Donald Trump of America. No! 
I know with this truth expressed in the most simple carefully selected composition of words, the rumours of our indefatigable, amiable, supersonic, digital governor's support for aspirants of various positions in the State and at the national level will be debunked.
Modlin Odu
Writes from Calabar