Athina Klioumi guest actress in concert by the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra – The US Times




Athina Klioumi guest actress in concert by the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra – The US Times

Published on: Sep 13, 2023

By: Carlos Camargo

The prominent international Greek-Venezuelan actress, Athina Klioumi joins the celebrated Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra, directed by maestro and musical director Eduardo Marturet, in an emblematic concert that will take place on October 1, 2023, in the Simón Bolívar Hall of the Center for Social Action for Music in Caracas.

Athina Klioumi, known for her versatility and talent in acting, will immerse herself in the world of music on a spiritual journey, playing a fundamental role in the interpretation of the work “Rose of Jericho”; by the composer Santiago Bonora. Under the direction of maestro Eduardo Marturet, internationally recognized for his skill on the podium, this concert promises to be an unforgettable experience.

“It is an honor and a privilege to be part of this very special artistic project,” commented Athina Klioumi. “I hope that the public can feel the magic that this collaboration brings, without a doubt being elevated with “High Frequency Melodies” through the “Rose of Jericho.”

The work “Rose of Jericho” is a composition that captivated the audience in the city of Miami and promises to take viewers on a sonic and spiritual journey like no other. This event promises to be a milestone in the cultural scene of Caracas and an unforgettable experience.

Athina began her acting career in Venezuela, where she also studied drama, art and modeling. Most recently, she landed a starring role in the famous Mexican-American television series titled “El Señor de los Cielos” (season 7), which has been awarded an Emmy Award. The series is produced by NBC/TELEMUNDO STUDIO and directed by Marcos Santana, and currently airs on Peacock TV in the United States, as well as Telemundo in the United States.

Tickets on sale at

September 29 “Master Melodies”

October 1st “High Frequency Vibrations”




Athina Klioumi guest actress in concert by the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra – The US Times

Carlos Camargo is a Venezuelan journalist with 40 years of experience. Specialized in Entertainment and Lifestyle. He is the author of the book “Happy and Unbound”.
