Army Psyop Group Drops Bizarre ‘Ghosts In The Machine 2’ Recruitment Video

Army Psyop Group Drops Bizarre ‘Ghosts In The Machine 2’ Recruitment Video
Military openly engaging in secretive psychological operations

The U.S. Army Special Operations Careers released a recruitment film on Wednesday, called, “Ghosts In The Machine 2,” the sequel to a video the Army released in 2022.

The weird video portrays a shadowy group of psychological warfare operatives inside the U.S. military who protect the nation from disinformation threats.

Alex Jones reviewed the first “Ghosts in the Shadows” video two years ago, saying, “I can tell you all the good people I know that have worked in those units are completely out of it and refuse to take jobs with it now, and the type of people they have in there are literally scum of the Earth that can’t even wipe their own asses.”

Jones continued, “Our government is run by enemies of the Republic. You’d have to be an idiot with no brain cells to not know that. And the litmus test is critical race theory and transgenderism to run all the good people out of the military and convert it over to a pure army of trash. Same thing with taking over the police departments, not to defund them, but to get control of them to be political officers, and Soros already has most of the people in local government under his control. The city attorneys, the county attorneys, the district attorneys, the local courts.”

Check out the first edition of the psyop recruitment videos below:

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