Andalusia High School FCCLA holds annual Iron Bowl Food Drive
Published 11:00 am Thursday, November 30, 2023
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The Andalusia High School Chapter of Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recently held their annual Iron Bowl Canned Food Drive.
From Nov. 6-14, the students were to bring in non-perishable food items to donate to those less fortunate this holiday season. When the students brought the items to class, they had a choice of putting them in an Alabama or Auburn box.
Competition was high and the race was close by the end of the competition. A biscuit breakfast was the reward for the first block with the highest percentage of food items based on the number of students in the class. In the end, Mrs. Shelander’s first block was the winner with a total of 92 food items or 657 percent based on the number of students in her class. Alabama won with a total of 235 cans compared to Auburn’s 136 cans.
Altogether, the students at Andalusia High School raised 371 non-perishable food items. All items were donated to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church’s Red Beans and Rice drive. The FCCLA project was held for the eleventh year.
For more information about Andalusia High School’s FCCLA organization email Jana Clark at