Andalusia BOE approves personnel matters, eSports at AHS

Andalusia BOE approves personnel matters, eSports at AHS

Published 11:00 am Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Andalusia City Schools Board of Education approved three personnel matters and the start of an eSports team at Andalusia High School during a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, Dec. 18.

The board began the meeting with approval of the following personnel matters:


  • Garrett Windham as health teacher/coach effective Dec. 14

New Hires

  • Emily Baker as compliance/data monitoring clerk at the central office effective Jan. 4, 2024
  • Brittany Bradley as in-school suspension instructor at Andalusia Junior High School effective Jan. 4, 2024

The board heard a presentation from Andalusia High School STEM teacher Gavin Klinge about a proposal to begin an eSports team at the school. Klinge informed the board about the rules and regulations and also discussed the equipment needed to begin the program. There are currently 25 students who will participate in the program beginning in February. Klinge’s request was approved.

“In general, this program would focus on students who are currently not involved in any other extracurricular activity. Coach (Tyler) Dent approached me about starting this program when I was hired on, and I said 100 percent because it was a program that had just started when I graduated high school. It is picking up steam more and more, and we had 85 people show up at our first engagement meeting,” Klinge said.

The board approved Klinge’s request for the purchase of seven total devices for the launch of the program.

The board approved an overnight trip to Orange Beach for the Andalusia High School Peer Helpers at the request of AHS sponsor Charlotte Spurlin.

“Ms. Spurlin received prior approval from principal Mr. (Ray) Wilson for this trip, but I told her the board would have to approve it because it was overnight,” said Superintendent Dr. Daniel Shakespeare.

In other business:

  • The board approved its annual computer care.
  • The board reviewed a revised Child Nutrition Program board policy. No action was taken at the meeting; a vote will be conducted at the next meeting.
  • The board reviewed Academic Dual Enrollment Pathway options for AHS students. No action was taken at the meeting; Counselor Tori Adams will make a presentation to the board at the next meeting.

Dr. Shakespeare presented the mission and vision statements for Andalusia City Schools.

Dr. Parrish King was appointed to serve on the ACS Foundation board.

The board set the next meeting date for Tuesday, Jan. 16, in the conference room at the central office. Board training will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
