And the Many Defenders of Ayade —By Daniel Agbor

And the Many Defenders of Ayade —By Daniel Agbor

Daniel Agbor|25 March 2016|3:30pm

The English proverb, 'he who pays the Piper dictates the tune' stands very correct when considered in Ayade media aides and the litanies of critics in his government.

Very recently, the social media have been agog with pro Ayade and anti Ayade rants. Whether their arguments stand correct amidst the many claims and counter claims remains to be verified. It is indeed true that no one and situation is beyond criticism weak and strong ones alike as even our Lord Jesus suffered dehumanizing condition. But the nature at which such a situation should have been a contending situation till date.

Ben Ayade is not an exception, I am a very strong critic of his administration. Beside that his ego and boastful nature. Moreover, he says more than what is expected and his words are not match with actions. Despite all criticism leveled on Ayade, the story remains the same. It stands to reason that this is just Ayade's nature.

The current post generating a heated and great controversy on the social media about Ayade being cornered at Abuja and served a litigation paper from the Supreme Court is what doesn't go down with pro Ayade. However,  I have it from good authority that the information about being cornered is very true.
What Ayade's media aides do not understand is that criticism is part of human nature and moreover it helps anyone or person to re-strategize and create synergy for good administration. 

Ayade's media aides I believe are equally free per say from what they feel is the undoing of critics. Many of them were among those that were critics of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.  The serialization of abuses both personal and otherwise was the quagmire at which he was known for.  He made history as the most abused president. Pro Ayade were part of this.

Let's not forget in a hurry that PMB's performance is questioned today and the so called media team are not free from it. So what is Ayade media team really smoking about? If one is to juxtapose GEJ's and PMB's situation along the line of Ayade's criticism now,  his media team is simply crying wolf. Ayade and any other person must be criticized,  especially when his/her activities is shrouded in deceit and is questionable.

Daniel Agbor
Is a Social Commentator