Efio-Ita Nyok|2 March 2016|6:20am
In a 29 February 2016 Facebook article titled: 'Why I am Endorsing Hillary Clinton As The Next Leader Of the Free World', Cross River-born Atlanta based Nigerian, Princewill Odidi, pledged his support for United States of America's only female presidential aspirant and wife of former president Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton. His incisive article incited a handful of reactions from Cross Riverians who have acquired American citizenship like Odidi.
According to Odidi, 'In the current elections, I have been undecided for a longtime, I started by admiring Republican Chris Kristy, to Jeb Bush and later to Trump. But after the Houston debate, Trumps inability to explain why he opposed Obamacare other than repeating the phrase “it is bad for America” turned me off, I ruled him out. He talks and makes promises without counting the cost'.
The Atlanta based development consultant further opined that: 'I couldn't lean towards Marco Rubio because in an attempt to bring down Trump, he started looking childish or boyish at most and less presidential'. Given the above background, Odidi proceeded immediately to endorse Hillary Clinton, the only female presidential aspirant in the forthcoming general elections in the following phrases: 'Based on this I switched gear and endorsed Democratic Party Hillary Clinton. In my judgement, Clinton has the political maturity and diplomatic savviness to lead the free world. She understands the plight of Africans, identifies with black people and their concerns, and has the requisite experience to form coalitions and enter meaningful negotiated pacts'. He went further to emphasise that, 'he would provide leadership from day one and would help concretize most Obamas initiatives especially Obamacare and gay rights and stem cell research. Most important, a Clintons Presidency would nominate Supreme Court justices that are considered democratic conservationist. I intentionally did not mention Sanders, his democratic liberalism is too much to the left. We do not need big governments and large public funded programs at a time when the global economy is on a downward sloop'.
On his part and in reaction to Princewill Odidi's support, another Cross Riverian, a proud native of Yakurr Nation, who has also acquired US citizenship submitted thus: 'as I take a look at Hillary after O'Malley's exist, I have to give my support. She was my junior Senator in New York, and performed good. Why I didn't give her consideration even after she ran with Obama in 2008 was because of her support for the Bush War. In more recent times, particularly given what Trump stands for, Hillary is a better option. I welcome her as Madam President and will be voting come November for her'.
Also, Jerry Agba, an Obudu native and an American citizen held that: 'I got really disturbed when you expressed reservations about Hilary to me, weeks and that you were leaning towards the Trumpeter and again earlier today when you remained indecisive b/w-Sen.Rubio and Hilary. Your vote is and support is very important to those of us who are eligible to vote but are praying for her to succeed. Rubio is playing too much to the gallery, particularly on the issue of immigration. The likes of Bush, Kasich, Cruz appear even more prepared for the tasks. But surely this is Hilary's time.
God has set in confusion in the rank and file of the GOP to pave way for Hilary'.
The presidential elections will hold on the month of November, 2016.
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven