All News Portals and Bloggers in CRS have no News to Report —Princewill Odidi

All News Portals and Bloggers in CRS have no News to Report —Princewill Odidi

Efio-Ita Nyok|4 April 2016|6:05am

Virtually all news portals and bloggers in CRS have no news to report. Compare news that is posted now and how busy online portals were 9 months ago.

Why has news and all the hype suddenly become dry? For everything there is a time and season. Time for news hype and times for news low.

Maybe the people themselves are tired of breaking news. Things fall apart.

Princewill Odidi
March 2016.

The above statement is credited to Princewill Odidi, Cross River-born Atlanta-based Development Consultant.

There are presently about 8 news online sites/blogs operating within namely:
* Cross River Daily
* Yakurr Reporters
* Cali Town
* Cross Wire
* Cross River Eyes
* Cross River Watch
* Brain News Nigeria
* Negroid Haven
* Paradise Eagle
* Sophia Edu
* etc

And there are traditional offline news media like Chronicles, etc.

Thus, the first line of paragraph one suggest that Odidi's slam is directly against the above listed news retail sites. Secondly, the second statement in the same paragraph explains why Odidi took the position: he compares between the 2015 general electioneering period and the present post-election era; and observe that the hype in these two periods contrast with each other.

Odidi seem to be calling on Endure Onun, William Oyo-Ita, Obaji Akpet, Agba Jalingo, Iwara U. Iwara, who respectively founded and are publishers of Cross River Daily, Negroid Haven, Cross River Eyes, Cross River Watch, and Cali Town etcetera to sit up and live up to the responsibility of giving fair, accurate, balanced and prompt reportage of events or incidents transpiring within Cross River State and the environs.

Again, Odidi further seem to be tasking the Association of Cross River Online Journalists (ACROJ), a duly registered corporate body under whose umbrella, a majority of these online news retail outfits operate from to step up the game of reportage.

Cross Riverians deserve to know.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven