Akuma absolutely dominated the Street Fighter 6 online usage charts in June by a massive margin, M. Bison already winning a ton

Akuma absolutely dominated the Street Fighter 6 online usage charts in June by a massive margin, M. Bison already winning a ton

Capcom has released the latest batch of online statistics for Street Fighter 6. As always, looking over these numbers we gain more insight into how popular each character is and how effective they’ve been in matches throughout the previous month.

This time we’re looking at June’s official stats, and there are some surprising (but also not that surprising) revelations here. Both of the game’s most recent DLC characters, Akuma and M. Bison, are doing quite well for themselves already despite only being in the game for a short period of time.

As previously mentioned, this latest batch of data covers the entirety of June 2024. This gives us a window of time where Akuma was in full force after his late May release, and M. Bison also had a handful of days to chart after being released on June 26.

While Akuma was undoubtedly popular in those first few days after his launch, seeing what the full picture looks like with a full month of usage under his belt is pretty much what I expected, but even more extreme. Unsurprisingly, Akuma topped the charts as the most popular fighter for the month of June, but he also secured that spot by… a lot.

Out of all eight different ranking categories (Rookie through Master) and when including both Classic and Modern control types, Akuma only saw two lists that he wasn’t at the top of. The Rookie and Iron leagues see Juri as the most popular fighter for both, but Akuma did make it into the top 5 for the former.

From Bronze through Master, though, Akuma took top marks convincingly, with some leads over the #2 placer being as high as nearly 15% in some cases. To provide a bit more context here, usually the difference between the #1 and #2 most popular fighter for any given month is around 2% to 3%, more or less.

For the “All” section that takes all ranks and controller types into consideration, Akuma was #1 with 19.062% usage while Ken followed him at #2 with 8.172% usage.

M. Bison was also pretty darn popular during his small window of time within these stats, making it as high as 5th place on the usage charts in Diamond rank. But Bison shined most last month in win rates.

Both classic and modern M. Bison topped the win rates chart, dethroning the always powerful classic mode E. Honda. While this feat might look very impressive on paper, it is worth pointing out that Bison dropped on June 26, which means he only had about five days worth of numbers for these stats.

This means that his win rate is likely as high as it is not only because there was essentially a smaller window of time that is being charted here, but also because he was a brand new DLC character within this window. Generally speaking, players are very much still learning how to fight a new character when they just drop, so wins for the DLC character can definitely become inflated in the early days.

Street Fighter 6 June 2024 online stats image #1

Street Fighter 6 June 2024 online stats image #2

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