Akemikun shows skin and feet with this amazing and seductive Street Fighter 6 Juri pajama cosplay

Akemikun shows skin and feet with this amazing and seductive Street Fighter 6 Juri pajama cosplay

You have probably seen Akemikun’s sensational cosplay before. Last last year, we shared one of the best Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. cosplays we’ve seen yet, which really provided us a glimpse at just how strong this artist is.

Well, Akemikun is back again with another Street Fighter 6 cosplay that fans will undoubtedly love. Have a look at this incredible and seductive Street Fighter 6 pajama Juri cosplay that shows a lot of skin (and trademark Juri feet).

In Street Fighter 6, each of the current playable characters (except latest DLC character M. Bison) has a third costume that you can purchase for them. Juri’s Outfit 3 sees her rocking her hooded pajamas with the front zipper pulled down enough to expose her chest and abdomen, and she has two tufts of hair sticking out of the top to symbolize her original hairdo.

This costume quickly became a fan favorite not only because of the personality that oozes from it, but also due to it being a bit more risqué. With this outfit equipped, players do get to see Juri’s black undergarments and quite a bit of exposed skin.

Needless to say, this alternate costume has several qualities that make it a great choice for cosplay. Akemikun checks all of the boxes you’d ever want with this look here making for a truly fantastic portrayal.

Just yesterday, Akemikun shared a video on Twitter that highlights this stunning cosplay. We get a full 360 view of this expertly crafted getup, and this cosplayer goes full on with various poses and facial expressions that would be right at home if Juri herself were doing them.

Once you’ve watched through the video below, be sure to check out more of Akemikun’s amazing Juri cosplay over on Twitter and Instagram.
