Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

After waiting a few months since the initial Season 2 reveal, fans finally got to see Terry Bogard make the jump from Fatal Fury to Street Fighter 6 in his gameplay trailer today.

On top of that, Capcom has also released a bunch of new details regarding Terry’s gameplay and move set in SF6 as well as some unique mechanics that only belong to him.

As can be seen in his trailer, Terry can use Passing Sway to effectively jump into the “back lane” of the stage to avoid incoming attacks and then pop back into the foreground with a couple of attack options that basically come straight out of Fatal Fury.

Interestingly, Capcom brought back one of Terry’s less common specials in Quick Burn with the double punches that debuted in Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special Dominated Mind and later appeared in The King of Fighters 2002 and Maximum Impact.

They’ve changed it, however, to be on the same input as Burn Knuckle with Quick Burn coming out on the light punch version of the special.

What’s perhaps most intriguing of all in his kit is Terry’s level 2 Super Art, Power Geyser, because it has multiple follow-up options for players looking to dump all of their resources.

By spending an extra 3 bars of Drive Gauge on top of the Super, he can use the Twin Geyser for more damage.

If that hits, Terry can burn his final super meter to do the Triple Geyser, which we haven’t really seen in SF6 to this point.

Terry Bogard is set to launch into action on September 24 in SF6 alongside the new Pao Pao Cafe stage.

You can find the new gameplay breakdown info below or on the Steam blog post.

Unique Moves

• With seven special moves and various target combos at his disposal, Terry is a force to be reckoned with in terms of both offense and defense. One of his target combos, Passing Sway, allows him to jump into the background of the stage (or into another lane) and choose to reappear on the other side of his opponent with Jumping Lariat or Jumping Knee. This unique mechanic comes directly from the Fatal Fury series!

Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

Power Wave / Round Wave

• Let’s get to some of Terry’s iconic moves that fans will recognize. Power Wave is a projectile that travels on the ground, performed with a fireball motion and light or medium punch. The light version moves more slowly while the medium version packs a bigger punch. Using heavy punch with a fireball motion will result in Round Wave, a blast Terry sends in front of him that is plus on block.

Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

Quick Burn / Burn Knuckle

• Quick Burn is a one-two punch performed with a tatsu motion and light punch. The second punch is an overhead, testing your opponent’s ability to block. Performing a tatsu motion with medium or heavy punch will see Terry using Burn Knuckle, a forward thrusting punch cloaked in energy useful for surprises and closing distance.

Power Charge, Crack Shoot & Rising Tackle

• Terry uses Power Charge to ram his shoulder into opponents; the OD version will result in a wall bounce. If he’s having trouble with an opponent’s fireball game, he can use Crack Shoot, a falling axe kick that can jump over projectiles. Finally, Terry has a “dragon punch” in the form of Rising Tackle, a spinning attack that acts as a fantastic anti-air option.

Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

Super 1: Buster Wolf

• Terry’s Level 1 Super Art, Buster Wolf, sees him charging forward with a piercing thrust before firing off a blast of energy. Like other Level 1s, Buster Wolf is invincible on start-up.

Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

Super 2: Power Geyser

• For resource hoarders that are hungry like the wolf, Terry’s Level 2 Super Art, Power Geyser, will send opponents flying after a volcanic explosion. If it hits, Terry can expend 3 Drive Gauge bars to follow-up with Twin Geyser. If that hits, Terry can then spend 1 Super Art gauge for the ultimate Triple Geyser, dealing a massive amount of damage for a Level 2 Super.

Additional details and unique mechanics revealed for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6

Super 3: Rising Fang

• Terry’s Level 3 Super Art, Rising Fang, is a lethal sequence of attacks featuring Terry’s iconic moves ending in a blast to the face!
